
You've worked long days and sleepless nights to make your dream a reality, and now the thought of having a third party comb through it unnerves you. Will they change the story? Will they try to make your story their own? What about your voice, will it still be yours? These are all genuine concerns authors have when hiring an editor. After reading through my services, I hope you'll be one step closer to feeling comfortable deciding the best way to take your manuscript from draft to published masterpiece. I have designed my services to help you breathe a little easier. I will walk you through all the stages of the editing process - what to expect, what type of editing is best suited for your book, what to look for in an editor, and how to prepare yourself for the emotional and physical toll of professional editing.
Manuscript Review
Involves reading through an author's manuscript and suggesting changes and ways to improve the overall structure and flow of the content while clarifying its message.
Book Synopsis and Blurbs
Offers help with writing book synopsis, book blurbs, and agent query letters for self-published authors and those seeking a traditional or small press publisher for their book.
The average developmental editing job takes 4-5 weeks. It takes about 3-4 weeks for a line editing job and 1-2 weeks for copyediting. My goal as your editor is to help you produce your most polished work, one we can both be proud of. To do this, I need time, and for that reason, I do not offer rush services.